As we were doing some literal spring cleaning around the house recently (an accumulated couple springs's worth of cleaning, to be perfectly honest), it occurred to us that The Way Out's metaphorical house could use a bit of tidying up too. That is, for every show we broadcast, there are almost always at least a few songs we selected but weren't able play, usually due to time constraints. We really belabor our playlists. For every hour of music you hear on the radio, we probably pulled at least another hour's worth of music that had to get cut. Over the course of any given week, we keep whittling the playlist down until we have exactly an hour's worth come Thursday night. But often, there are still a few extra songs we just can't bear to part with completely. They're not the dregs; they're great songs that, in a perfect world, belong in the regular broadcast. We cling to them, somehow hoping that 60-minutes will miraculously turn into 65-, or 70-, or 75-minutes. Alas, that never happens. The end result is that we have all these great songs saved up, most of which never make it onto the air.
So, to christen the start of our weekly 2-hour-long summer slot (every Thursday 10pm-midnight), we figured why not begin by looking back at the recent past? For this week's show, then, we threw together a set full of the odds-and-ends which were leftover from some of our spring shows:
An Arty Punky Sort of Pop,
Also On Dischord,
The Dan Deacon Show,
1990s Garage Punk,
The Roots of Shoegaze.
Here's the playlist for our 2-hour
Thursday, May 29, 2014, broadcast:
Jonathan Richman - "That Summer Feeling"
French Toast - "The Letter"
Edie Sedgwick - "Anthony Perkins"
Title Tracks - "Every Little Bit Hurts"
Soccer Team - "Traffic Patterns"
Holy Rollers - "Perfect Sleeper"
Candy Machine - "Macrobat"
Cabaret Voltaire - "The Operative"
Talking Heads - "Don't Worry About the Government"
Brian Eno - "King's Lead Hat"
Volcano Suns - "Jak"
Bongwater - "What's Big in England Now?"
Momus - "Lucky Like St. Sebastian"
Daniel Johnston - "Devil Town"
Trans Am - "Arcadia"
Need New Body - "Hot Shot"
Dan Deacon - "Red F"
Supersuckers - "She's My Bitch"
The Go - "Keep On Trash"
Holly Golightly - "Run Cold"
Supercharger - "Cindy Lou"
The Humpers - "Up Yer Heart"
Impala - "The Scratch"
Bauhaus - "Kingdom's Coming"
Love and Rockets - "The Dog-end of a Day Gone By"
Echo & The Bunnymen - "Seven Seas"
Ultra Vivid Scene - "Mercy Seat"
Husker Du - "59 Times the Pain"
Dinosaur Jr. - "Little Fury Things"
The Rain Parade - "I Look Around"
The Church - "Tantalized"
[No archived audio currently available. Check back soon.]